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Easy clipart tips to get you started with clipart and some simple tricks the professionals use to make the kind of art they want. Step by step tutorials that Horse Feathers technical support staff have found useful in helping our customers get their projects done more easily. Plus answers to the clipart questions you have always wanted to know but were afraid to ask.
- What you need to know to have fun with clip art
- Fooling a color printer into printing black & white graphics.
- How to change black and white graphics
to 256 Color graphics, for coloring.- Making Windows Wallpaper
- How to change the shape of a border to a special shape.
- Create Ripped Paper Branded Column Design In Paintbrush
- How To Make Watermarks
Windows comes with a simple word processor and a paint program for the new computer user. Graphics can be used with these programs, but to really have fun with graphics a publisher program is a must have. Most any publisher will do.
A word processor is a program that lets you write letters. The more expensive word processors have all kinds of things that make writing easier, but they still have their limitations when it comes to graphics, clipart or pictures of any kind.
A paint program is for drawing, coloring and editing bitmap graphics or clip art. You can easily change the spots on a horse or even erase the rider if you like. That is what a paint program is for.
A publisher program is where it all comes together. The words from the word processor and the graphics or clip art from the paint programs can all be imported into a publisher program. Here is the fun part. You can place a graphic over top of text and watch the text flow around it or you can place a text box over top of a graphic border leaving the border to show around the outer edge. Import text from your friend's word processor or your own. After all why should you retype text that was already typed into a computer once. A publisher program will make publishing all your documents easier. You will be back on your horse having fun while your city slicker friends are still slaving away with a word processor.
I have talked to people who have spent more then two years trying to use a word processor to do all of their publishing. No one should have to work that hard on a computer.Back to Top
We first noticed this happening with one of the Print Shop Deluxe programs then later on in Quark Express or Pagemaker don't remember which. We put our technical support team on it and here is what we found. There was a conflict between the these programs and some of the new color printers. The printer was asking for a color graphic and the program is sending a black and white graphic. The printer runs out of memory looking for something that isn't there.
Here is how to fix the problem. Simply change the graphic to a 256 color graphic. Now there doesn't have to be any color in the picture. You are just fooling the printer so it can print the graphics. See instructions below.
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In Windows 95 or 98 Paint program you load the graphic and then choose [File] then choose [Save as], when the [Save as] screen comes up change the name of the graphic and look close in the lower left corner you will find the [Save as file type] box it has a small triangle down button [v] click on it and then an elevator bar find the color choices. Windows bitmap BMP 256 color is normally the best one to choose, then [Save] the file giving it the new name. If you are un sure of the color choice you can choose [Image] then choose [Attributes] then choose [Color]. The computer will choose the correct color set for you to use.
In Windows 95 or 98 Paint you will see the color palette. Remember that you renamed the graphic so look for the new name when you want to use the graphic later. This should make it much easier to color the graphic now. Have fun with your new graphics.Back to Top
There is a graphic in volume #3 that is Windows Wall paper size 640 x 480 it is TEAMPEN. Others can be used as Windows Wallpaper if they are centered. Any BMP graphics that you want to use as Windows Wallpaper will need to be copied directly into the Windows subdirectory as you finish editing them and as you need them. Drag and drop is a fast and easy way to move or copy files where you want them.
1. In File Manager Copy a BMP graphic into the WINDOWS directory lets do TEAMPEN. BMP
2. Exit File Manager (See Drag and Drop in this manual for help here.)
3. Open the [Main] group and select the [Control Panel]
4. Select [Wallpaper] and the arrow down button now find [TEAMPEN.BMP]
5. Select [Center] and then select [OK]
6. Black and white is ok but it could use a little color.
Western Clip Art Volume #1 should have taught you about cutting and pasting especially if you played with the wagons and horses or the quarter page borders with Windows 3.1 Paintbrush or Windows 95/98 Paint programs.
These graphics are mostly screen sized graphics that can be shrunk, with a publisher program, for use in letterheads, business cards and in newsletters. These graphics will also work in newsletters and can be shrunk to fit in small places. They will also look great as cover art and for larger projects like posters, signs and even T-Shirt designs.
The graphics in this manual are reduced from their actual size to fit in this manual. The graphics and borders are made to work together giving you all kinds of design possibilities. Use what looks best for your project and resize the graphic in your publisher program for best results.
Lets make a border in the shape of your screen as you would need for windows wallpaper. Screen sizes are 640x480 800x600 1024x768 1152x864 you choose.
1. Select [File] [Open] & select the border you want to reshape. Select [OK]
2. Select [View] Select [Zoom out]
3. Use the dotted line box tool to put a dotted line around the border.
4. Select [Edit] select [Copy] Select [View] Select [Zoom in]
5. Select [Image] select [ Attributes]
6. Change the Units to [Pels] Width to [640] & Height to [480] or your screen size above.
7. If two questions pop up, Select [Yes] next select [No]
8. In Windows 95/98 part of your graphic is still there, so copy & paste the rest to finish the border.
9. Select [View] Select [Zoom out] Select [Edit] select [Paste]. Click your cursor on the tool box to set the graphic.
10. Select [View] Select [Zoom in]. Use the elevator bar to scroll up to the top.
11. Select part of the top row of graphics then select [Edit] select [copy] & use the elevator bar to scroll down then [edit] [paste] graphics move the graphics into place.
12. When all of the graphics are placed the way you want them. Color the graphic and personalize it how ever you like. Be sure to save the graphic to the Windows directory, and give it a new name.
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1. To open Paint 95 at the bottom
of your screen select [Start] [Accessories]
select [Paint]. Maximize the program.2. Notice the box at the bottom with numbers
that change when you move the cursor is in
the white drawing area. That will
tell you, your cursor's position3. Select [File] [Open]. In the directory
window double click on COLUMNS folder to
open the folder.4. In the file window select C_CATLEB.BMP
select [OK].5. Select [Image] select [Attributes]
6. Select [pels] from the Unit box.
7. Erase the number in width box and type 64
8. The number in height box should be 528
9. Select [Black & White] select [P].
10. You have just added a little space to
the right side of the drawing.11. Select with the square the dotted line
at the top of the tool bar. Notice you now
have a cross hair cursor.12. Place the cross hair cursor in the upper
left corner at cursor position 0, 0.
Press the left mouse button. Drag the dotted
lines to the lower right corner. Let up on
the mouse button.13. That cursor position should be 64, 385.
14. Select [Image] then select [Invert Colors]
The top part of the graphic is now black with
white brands.15. Move the elevator bar down to the bottom.
Place the cross hair cursor at the top left
of the white area at cursor position 0, 385
then press the left mouse button and drag the
dotted line to the lower right corner. Let up
on the mouse button at cursor position 64, 528.16. Select [Image] then select [Invert Colors]
17. Select the spay can tool and select white
on the paint bar below with the left mouse
button. Spray the edge to rough it up an make
it look like a torn piece of paper. Select
black to correct any over spray of the white.
You can change the size of the spray area at
the lower left.18. To correct any flaws select [View] select
[Zoom Large]. When black is selected on the
paint bar below the right mouse button will
erase and the left mouse button will draw.
Select [View] Select [Zoom Normal] to get back.19. When you have roughed the edge to your
satisfaction. Select [File] select [Save As]
To save your new graphic under a new name.
In the file window. Type the new file name
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Edie Wittenmyer's book The Equestrian Journal has some great examples of Water Marks made with Horse Feathers Graphics. Sorry our scan turned out a little fuzzy. Edie had made her book in a great publisher program the easy way like she was suppose to do. But when it came to getting it published the publishing company was using a different program. So she had to switch to the program that the publisher was using. So I guess you need to check with your publisher before you get ready to publish or maybe even before you start to write.
Here is how to make a Water Mark in Microsoft Publisher
1. Select [Insert] select [Picture file] select your [graphic] file.
2. With the graphic is still selected, select [Format] and [Recolor Picture]
3. Choose a light gray or a light black dot pattern for a non-color printer.
You could use a light brown or tan what ever looks good.
4. Place the Water Mark graphic on the page now place a text box over it.
5. Then with the text box selected select [Format] select [Fill Color] then select [Clear] and then import or type your text into the Transparent Text Box. In Edie Wittenmyer's The Equestrian Devotional Edie makes makes great use of one of our horse shoes at the bottom of every page. Nicely done Edie. Edie's books are beautiful form the use of the art to the words she writes. Great use of graphics Edie.
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