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Horse Feathers Graphics Technical Support team is here to make things easy with publishing help to get you up and running fast.  Art tips and tricks from our experienced artists will help you have fun with art.  Horse Feathers Graphics has art and publishing tutorials that are easy for even the beginner to follow.  Horse Feathers Graphics Technical Support team will be adding more information to this section as it is needed and as it becomes available. 


Clip Art Tips

1. What you need to know to have fun with clipart
2. Fooling a color printer into printing black & white graphics.
3. How to change graphics from black & white to color for coloring.
4. Making Windows Wallpaper
5. How to change the shape of a border to a special shape.
6. Create Ripped Paper Branded Column Design In Paint
7. How To Make Watermarks

Border Tips And Tricks Page.

1. What to do if your borders are too thick for your project.
2. The Red Candy Cane Border Trick Using Windows 95/98 Paint.
3. America's Ranch Brands
4. Christmas tree art from p_deco.bmp border trick.

Working Magic with Color Erasers & Replacers Page.

1. Working magic with color erasers or replacers.
2. Using the color eraser tool in Windows 95/98 Paint.
3. Using the color replacer tool in PC Paintbrush Designer and Photo Paint.

Graphic Questions and Answers Page

1. Part of the full page border is flipped, what can I do?
2. Graphic looks ok but part of the graphic is flipped when I print it with Print Shop.
3. Hardware Related Graphic Problems
4. Why do some of my black and white graphics turn all black in some programs?
5. What to do when a color printer that won't print black and white graphics?
6. How to change black and white graphics to 256 Color graphics, for coloring.
7. Tell me about brands can anyone have a brand?

Publishing Tips Page

1. Computer Publishing for the Novice
2. What does a Word Processor do?
3. What can I do with a Paint or Draw Program?
4. What can a Publisher Program do?
5. Is there an easy Publishing Program?
6. Is there one program that I can get that will do it all?
7. What about the better Word Processors?
8. What about Graphic Styles for Publishing?
9. Draw your own Bits.
10. How do I shrink the graphic to make it fit the page?
11. Printer Error Messages
12. Printer Not Ready Message
13. Sometimes Black is Green!
14. Part of the full page border is flipped when I print.
15. Black and White Graphic Turns All Black.
16. Hardware Related Graphic Problems.

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Instructions for Horse Feathers Graphics IBM or
Windows PC Graphics packages on Diskette.

1. Requirements:
2. What are .BMP and .PCX graphics & why use them?
3. I don’t see the extensions in Win 95 or 98?
4. Installation:
5. Windows 95/98 Installation Instructions.
6. Installing With Windows 3.1 or 3.11
7. Installing With DOS
8. Custom Installation Instructions
9. Drag and  Drop Files With Windows
10. Finding the Graphic Files with Windows Explorer for Win 95/98
11. Finding the Graphic Files on the Hard Drive in Windows 3.1
12. Opening and Importing Clipart Graphics:
13. Opening The Graphics in Paint for Windows 95/ 98
14. Opening Your Graphics With Windows Paintbrush in Win 3.1
15. Coloring Your Graphics With Paint for Windows 95/98
16. Coloring Your Graphics With Windows Paintbrush in Win 3.1
17. Import Graphics with Microsoft Publisher for Windows 95
18. Adding Graphics to Microsoft Publisher's Clipart Gallery for Windows 95
19. Import Graphics with Microsoft Publisher with Windows 3.1
20. Importing Graphics into Ventura Publisher
21. Importing Graphics with Corel Print House for Windows 95
22. Importing Graphics with Print Shop Deluxe
23. Importing Graphics into Microsoft Word 2.0 for Windows 3.1
24. Importing Graphics into Microsoft Word 6.0 for Windows 95/98
25. Importing Graphics into Word Perfect 6.0 For Windows
26. Technical Support Phone Numbers:

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Instructions for Horse Feathers Graphics
Macintosh Computer Graphics packages on Diskette.

1. Introduction To PICT Graphics
2. Installation
3. Using PICT Graphics With Various Programs
4. Graphics Need A Program
5. How To Find A Good Shareware Graphic Converter On The Net.
6. Aldus Home Publisher
7. Sizing An Image In Aldus Home Publisher
8. Working With Claris Draw In Claris Works 2.1
9. Inserting Images Into Claris Works
10. Scaling Graphics In Claris Works
11. Importing Graphics Into Most Programs
12. Print Shop Deluxe Graphics Import Tip
13. Importing Graphics With Print Shop Deluxe
14. Scaling an Image in Print Shop Deluxe
15. Ventura Publisher
16. Word Perfect
17. Coloring Your Graphics With a Paint Program
18. Adding Text Over a Border Graphic in Most Publisher Programs.
19. Border Graphic Tip
20. Border Graphics Defined:
21. Borders Thick and Thin:
22. Western Clipart Volume #1  Vertical and Horizontal Borders:
23. Graphics In Two Sizes in Western Clipart Volume #1:
24. Graphic Columns:
25. Graphic Lines:
26. Modifying Your Graphics, Borders, Lines & Columns:
27. Hot Tips from our Artists:
28. Graphic Column & Line Tips:
29. Hot Tips from our Artists:
30. Technical Support Phone Numbers:

Windows 3.1 Archive 

1. Working magic with color erasers or replacers.
2. What is the color eraser tool in Windows 3.1 Paintbrush?
3. Using the color eraser tool in Windows 3.1 Paintbrush
4. Replacing all occurrences of a color with Windows Paintbrush.
5. The Red Candy Cane Border Trick Using Windows 3.1 Paintbrush.
6. Changing black & white graphics to
    256 Color graphics for coloring with Win 3.1.
7. Making Windows Wallpaper with Win 3.1
8. How to change the shape of a border to a special shape.
9. Create Ripped Paper Branded Column Design In Paintbrush

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