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Tutorials for working with our favorite art programs. Most of the sites listed here are created by people like you and me who love playing with pictures and pushing their art programs to the limit and beyond. Just to see what happens. They have found a new way to do something and want to share it. Or they just have a better way of explaining how to do something then was in the manual. These step by step tutorials are awesome.
Tutorial sites for working with art programs
Tutorial sites for working with Paint Shop Pro
Jasc Software Paint Shop Pro![]()
Hopes Heaven- Sparkle Globe Tutorial Hopes Heaven a very pretty site lots of information and tutorials
Paint Shop Pro--Transparent GIF's - This tutorial will show you how to make your GIF's have a transparent background.
Web Graphics on a Budget - Paint Shop Pro 5,6 and 7 Tutorials Tips.
Redfield Plug-ins - Great Downloads here.
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